Thursday, November 28, 2013


I hope y'all are having a wonderful Thanksgiving day!
Its cold this morning in my part of northeast Florida. The weatherman says it is 38 degrees, but there is frost on my roof. It is too cold for this old Florida boy!

  I have a turkey on the smoker and can't wait to taste it. Yum!

I wanted to share this pic of my Thanksgiving Cactus with you.


Ain't it a beauty!
Most of the Holiday Cacti that are sold now days are the Thanksgiving Cactus....Schumbergera truncata. Also known as the Crab Claw Cactus because of its pointed lobes.
 The true Christmas Cactus....Schumgergera bridgesii  has slightly scalloped lobes and is hard to find anymore. It can be special ordered. Also it only comes with red blooms.

With the Thanksgiving Cactus, commercial growers manipulate the amount of light the plants receive and get them to bloom from Thanksgiving through the holidays. If it blooms around Thanksgiving, it is called a Thanksgiving Cactus. If it blooms around Christmas, it is called a Christmas Cactus. But they are all the same species.

So now you know everything that I know about Holiday Cacti.

I have lots of reasons to be thankful, so I'm gonna go give thanks!(And eat my smoked turkey).

I hope y'all have lots of reasons to be thankful, too.

So...... Until next time...... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!