Friday, December 13, 2013

Gardening Community

I had to let the new beds rest for a while. I was getting behind on my other chores know...the fun stuff like cleaning house and pulling weeds in the shrubbery beds. But now I'm back to working on it, although I don't feel the urgent need to get the last one finished quickly. I'm back to removing weeds in the area for the second bed.

 Here is where I am now.

Now on to a different subject.

I enjoy being involved in the on-line gardening community. I've learned a lot by following blogs and you-tube channels. I would like to get more comments from readers. So if you have a blog or you-tube channel or just something to add to my post, please let me know in the comments section so I can follow along with what you are doing. As I've stated before, I'm not a gardening expert ... I'm always learning new techniques. I think all gardeners have something to add to the learning process. So let me know what you are doing in your garden and maybe we can get a conversation going.

Some of the methods I'm using are being used for the first time. My winter bed has been in for about 2 months now and I'm finding that using cardboard as a weed blocker doesn't work so well with some of these tough Florida weeds. After the cardboard gets wet, it turns to mush. I've learned that weeds with runners like Dollar weed, Betony and Bermuda grass will send runners under the cardboard and then pop right up through it. I have to dig down through the wood chips and tear the cardboard to get the weeds out. So I don't think I'll be using it much in the future. If you are experiencing the same, let me know.

 So don't be shy, please leave a comment, let me know what you're up to!

Soooo......Until next time ......HAPPY GARDENING!


  1. I've had the same thing happen. Now I just rely on my wolf garten push pull hoe and hand pulling. One time someone suggested composting the pulled grass from my new beds. The FL grasses laughed at me and loved it. Didn't work for me. Great job on your beds. I've been mostly raking leaves for my compost piles.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I've found that Bermuda grass can go through a hot compost pile and then just take off and start growing again!
      My leaves are starting to drop...I'll be raking soon, too.
      Thanks for reading and commenting!
