Friday, December 27, 2013

Free Manure

Hello folks!

This morning I was thinking about the fertility of my new beds and heating up my compost piles so that they would decompose faster.
I was thinking..."If I had some manure it sure would be useful." So I got on Craigslist and typed "Manure" into the search box. Up came an ad that read "Free Horse Manure." I called the number and talked to a gentleman named Mike. He said "Sure, come on out and I'll help you load it." So I did just that.

Here is what I came home with!
This is going to be very useful. It didn't have any straw or saw dust in it and he assured me that there were no herbicides in it. He used it on his own garden.
So I'm going to use my compost sieve to break it down into smaller pieces and apply a couple of inches to my new beds. It should be pretty well decomposed by spring planting time. Then I'll turn all of my compost piles and add some to get them heating up. I can also add so to my worm bin. Worms love horse poo!
I think this was a great find and I was invited to come get more anytime I need it! I am pretty excited about this. My house mate started laughing and said "It doesn't take much to make you happy, does it." I replied "I'm a simple man!"
Soooo......Until next time......HAPPY GARDENING!

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